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How To Properly Advertise On Forums Without Getting BannedViews: 420
Dec 11, 2007 2:08 pm How To Properly Advertise On Forums Without Getting Banned

Steve Bralovich
It never ceases to amaze me how many people still don't get how to properly do business on the Internet.

Spam in online forums and networks like Ryze abounds. It gets sickening to visit sites that are nothing but other people's marketing messages.
It just turns forums like this one into nothing but interactive classified ads instead of archives full of truly useful information.

I'm all for advertising because it pays to get the word out about a really good product or service that you use yourself. And being paid to get the word out, just sweetens the pot.
Online forums that contain highly targetted traffic are very tempting for someone to just butt in and make a post about a relevant product or service.

There's just two things wrong with doing it that way. It probably won't work and you'll very likely get yourself banned if the discussion is moderated.

The reason it won't work is your ad is acting as a referral. A referral is usually wasted unless there is some trust built up with the reader of your message first. Pure hard sell advertising messages are not as effective as a referral from a helpful message poster.

The correct way to advertise in discussion forums requires a little more work, but is safe from banning and will garner A LOT more traffic and sales for you.

Here's how I do it:

1. Make yourself a good signature for all your messages. Just about all message forums have a user control panel that allows you to add a signature message to all your message posts. Make up a good one such as:

Free Internet Marketing Tools

Then anytime you post, your signature will be added to your message. Resist the urge to make this too salesy. The appeal should be subtle but obvious what they will be getting. Notice that the signature references a URL. This is your landing page where you can do all the selling you like. Avoid direct affiliate URLs because it's frowned upon by moderators

2. Before posting, scan the other messages and questions that are being asked by other members. If you can add a useful comment, suggestion or pose a question just reply and include your signature.

3. If the message is a very relevant and popular message , subscribe to the message so that you will be notified when the message is updated by fellow members. Then reply to the message again. This will push the message up and keep your link in front of more people and for a longer time. I've seen popular discussions get thousands of page views.

That's all there is to it . Simple, effective and I've never been banned for doing things this way.

Quit trying to make the fast sale. Everyone is suspicious of people trying to just make a quick buck. Try a little useful participation and use a soft sell approach. It works for me and it will work for you.

Private Reply to Steve Bralovich (new win)

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